My reaction to Fox "News" Television Space Waster E.D. Hill's description of Barak and Michelle Obama's dap after the June 3rd primary in St Paul led me to send the following email to every Fox email address I could round up...
I would like to request that on all future broadcasts, all personnel refer to a handshake as a "PATRIOT PALM BOUNCE" to avoid confusion with the dreaded "TERRORIST FIST JAB".
Yours in Christ,
CS Riggins
Please apply this to all on-air communication, as well as all personal behavior.
As you can imagine, Rupert immediately called E.D. and let her know that she will no longer be hosting that particular outlet of fairs and balancey things. Note that her replacement is the reprehensible Laura Ingraham so, there's really no victory there.
Of course, the only reply I got was canned...
Hey Fox Fan,
As you can imagine, we receive thousands of messages a day from our viewers, and while we appreciate you taking the time to provide feedback, we cannot respond to every question or comment directly. Please know that your e-mails are read and your comments are taken into consideration. When applicable, we will pass your e-mails along to the appropriate department and/or individual. Keep watching FNC!
Thank you,
FOX News Channel
(image: Scott Olson/Getty Images. June 3, 2008. St. Paul, MN)
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