31 October 2008

City of SeaTac - Not Playing the Game Either

Sea-Tac Airport in the days when the runway was used to park giant cars.

Sent to City of Seatac Washington 10.11.08...

I would like to propose that SeaTac Airport be re-named SeatTaco. I think that making the dual abbreviation one letter longer will bring a touch of class to the airport and surrounding township that will prove to be a boost to the local Mexican restaurant economy.

Reply, forty-two minutes later...

Mr. Riggins,
Thank you for your suggestion. Unfortunately, Sea-Tac (note the hyphen) International Airport is owned and operated by the Port of Seattle, not the City of SeaTac (note the lack of hyphen), so there is little we would be able to do regarding a name change.

Thanks again,

Bart Perman
Systems Administrator
City of SeaTac

Photo courtesy of vintageseattle.org.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think it's remarkable that a City employee would reply so quickly to your suggestion. Glad to see such a responsible public servant!