06 February 2008

A Letter to KGO-TV, an ABC Affiliate in San Francisco...

I've been working on a pilot episode of my new situation comedy "Too Many Grandmas". It's about a guy who goes to visit his grandmother at the nursing home, only to find that all the grandmas look the same. The kicker is that Pauly Shore is set to play, not only the nursing home visitor, but ALL the grandmas!

Needless to say, wackiness ensues in the pilot episode when the main grandma, Agnes (Pauly Shore), starts a speed metal band with some of the other inmates/patients called Osteoferocious. Their brief but sexy tour is cut short when lead guitarist Enid (Pauly Shore) and drummer Myrtle (Pauly Shore) get in a spat over the name of their Latest Album, Metal-Mucial.

Let me know when you want me to send the script. I'd like to put it on between Friends and Scrubbs if possible! Just send the plane tickets to the address listed above.

C.S. Riggins

Their Response...

From: ABC7 Viewer Feedback
Subject: Re:
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2002 17:00:53 -0800

ABC corporate policy does not allow us to accept unsolicited program ideas. This is for the protection of both the station and the originator of program ideas.

Please understand this is by no means a reflection on you or your ideas. We wish you the best of luck and appreciate your thinking of ABC7.

[Name Redacted]
Programming Dept.

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